⁠Examining of inconsistencies in the responses selected works by ChatGPT

I participated in the One day E - International Conference on LANGLIT TEACHING, LEARNING, AND INNOVATIONS: Pedagogic issues & Remedies at P.P.Savani University, Surat. This was my first International Conference. 

Examining of inconsistencies in the responses selected works by ChatGPT


Artificial Intelligence is not considered only a helping tool but is more about a teaching tool. AI tools are open for every discipline to teach and to provide world knowledge in just a few seconds. AI gave only traditional summarization of certain points, upon that, research is already done. While for trending topics or new literature emerge with lots of questions for students and teachers as well that perhaps missing. How much New Literature exists on AI? This paper examines the inconsistencies of ChatGPT. This AI tool provides all kinds of answers that the user wants. However, AI has the capacity to acknowledge the language of humans and it has the potential to provide answers similar to humans. Sometimes it has the ultra capacity of a human being. Though the problem is finding answers to the recent work is more difficult and students as well as teachers can not get the answers at the exact time. At this time to call AI as a teaching tool might be problematic.OpenAI’s mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI)—by which they mean highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work—benefits all of humanity. (openai.com). This paper deals with some field work also, in that, the author collects different answers from the selected numbered group of people and explores that answers along with the original work also and also writes about ChatAI’s missed information, and how it seems different from the original work. ChatAI is purposeful will used because this tool is very demanding in the market and it might happen that it will be used for teaching purposes also, so that problem will also be discussed. 

Keywords: ChatGPT, Chatbot, Artificial Intelligence, Inconsistencies 


It is the era of learning through Machines and we can say learning through Artificial Intelligence may be more appropriate for this time and the upcoming era also. AI is highly used in the tech world nowadays. Artificial Intelligence generates every prototype of a human’s interest area. It gives systematic, qualitative generative text, images, art forms, and many more things that are coded by engineers. Many AI programs provide such unexpected results that are nearly impossible to create by humans if we talk about the time taken by both AI and humans. Artificial Intelligence generates answers or solutions for the users. It is the time to enter the light era of technology or Artificial Intelligence rather than to talk about the Dark side of it. This might be the evolutionary shift in pedagogy. 

What is ChatGPT: 

The tool ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI - which is an AI research and deployment company. ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response. ChatGPT is the newborn AI, GPT 3 generation tool under the tree of a GPT family again the language model generator developed by OpenAI company. The company expects its research - free from financial obligations - to focus on a "positive human impact". Basically, ChatGPT is AI generative text method tool that provides answers likewise humans can give within the minutes. It is trained under the NLP language program so that AI can write as humans can write.  

NLP refers to the ability of computers to understand and generate human-like language, and it has a wide range of applications in academic research. One example of an NLP advancement is ChatGPT, a variant of the GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) language model developed by OpenAI.

The system is trained to give answers in conversational interactions with human users. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. Such AI tools provide the essence of the traditional method of conversing between the questioner and answerer in a more intellectual way. However, ChatGPT is trained in a way that learned from mistakes. If the user said that the given answer is wrong, the applied algorithm learned and admit the answer and correct it for the upcoming question. However, it is upon users how we can train such AI tools for our futuristic ease solution in a more appropriate for the time itself.

Limitations of ChatGPT: 

  • May occasionally generate incorrect information

  • May occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content

  • Limited knowledge of world and events after 2021

Literature in ChatGPT:

As per the above discussion, ChatGPT is a multidisciplinary AI tool that can give an accurate response to any disciplinary question. Literature has a wide area of discussion, and research, and gives a deep insight into life, culture, art, contemporary happenings, and many more things. The core aspect to take the answers from ChatGPT is to examine how it provides the results of the given questions of literary work. Although, many educators might be concerned that using AI in the classroom could lead to students becoming overly reliant on technology and cheating but the concerned that using AI in the classroom could lead to students becoming overly reliant on technology and cheating.

By providing such prompts to ChatGPT, we can explore the discussion on a particular topic or given prompt and in classroom discussion, there are possibilities to enhance the critical thinking of a respected topic. However, ChatGPT serves the data which are already provided by the internet but sometimes it is failed to give answers because of the lack of availability on the intranet. And maybe that is the reason that OpenAI generates the algorithm for this chatbot that learning itself. 

Here is the observation of the answers by ChatGPT to the selected works: 

Novel: The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy

Prompt 1. 

Write about the metaphor of 'Guih Kyom' in the novel, 'The Ministry of Utmost Happiness' by Arundhati Roy.

Result 1

The "Guih Kyom" metaphor in Arundhati Roy's novel, "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness," symbolizes the idea of a fleeting moment of peace or respite in the midst of chaos or suffering. It is a phrase in the Kashmiri language which means "just a little peace." The metaphor represents the search for moments of calm and stillness in a world filled with violence, pain, and conflict. It is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope and happiness can be found in small moments of joy.

Result 2

"Guih Kyom" is a metaphor used in Arundhati Roy's novel "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness." It refers to the idea of holding on to one's own song or individuality, despite the difficulties and challenges of life. The phrase is used to encourage people to maintain their unique perspectives, even in the face of oppression and adversity. The metaphor emphasizes the importance of embracing and celebrating one's own identity, rather than allowing it to be suppressed or eroded by external forces. In the novel, the idea of "Guih Kyom" is associated with the struggle for freedom and self-expression, and is seen as a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of hardship.

Result 3

The metaphor of 'Guih Kyom' in Arundhati Roy's novel, 'The Ministry of Utmost Happiness,' represents a state of spiritual transcendence or inner peace. In the novel, Guih Kyom is a Tibetan term for 'The Song of the Self,' which signifies the journey of an individual towards self-discovery and liberation from societal norms and expectations.

The protagonist of the novel, Anjum, uses this term to describe her own journey towards finding her true self, as she escapes from the limitations of her gender identity and embraces her true identity as a hijra. The metaphor of Guih Kyom symbolizes the journey of self-discovery and liberation that Anjum embarks upon, as she navigates the complexities of love, politics, and spirituality.

Additionally, the metaphor of Guih Kyom also highlights the importance of reclaiming one's identity and breaking free from societal norms, as Anjum's journey towards self-discovery serves as an example of the power of the individual to resist the oppression and discrimination imposed by society.

Overall, the metaphor of the Dung Beetle in the novel serves as a reminder of the power of the individual to persist in the face of adversity and to create something new from the difficulties of life. It highlights the themes of resilience, perseverance, and transformation that pervade throughout the novel, and serves as a symbol for the strength and determination of the human spirit.

Prompt 2.

Write about the metaphor of 'Dung Beetle' in the novel, 'The Ministry of Utmost Happiness' by Arundhati Roy.

Result 1

The metaphor of the Dung Beetle is used in Arundhati Roy's novel, "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness," to symbolize people who are tasked with cleaning up the messes created by those in power. The Dung Beetle is described as a hardworking insect that rolls up dung into a ball and buries it in the ground, effectively removing it from the surface of the earth. In the same way, the characters in the novel who are referred to as Dung Beetles are those who are tasked with cleaning up the aftermath of violence and conflict, as well as taking care of those who are marginalized and oppressed. The metaphor highlights the idea that those who are responsible for creating the mess are not the ones who are doing the hard work of cleaning it up, but instead, it is left to those who are considered to be the most vulnerable and marginalized.

Result 2

The Ministry of Utmost Happiness metaphor of 'Dung Beetle' in Arundhati Roy's novel, 'The Ministry of Utmost Happiness,' serves as a symbol for the resilience and perseverance of individuals in the face of adversity. In the novel, the Dung Beetle is described as a small insect that is capable of rolling its ball of dung, even in the face of obstacles and challenges.

This metaphor is used to represent the various characters in the novel who are faced with difficulties and challenges, but who refuse to give up or surrender in the face of adversity. The Dung Beetle symbolizes the determination and resilience of individuals who continue to push forward, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Furthermore, the metaphor of the Dung Beetle also represents the idea of transformation and renewal. Just as the Dung Beetle transforms its surroundings and creates something new from waste, the characters in the novel must also find ways to overcome their struggles and create new meaning in their lives.

Overall, the metaphor of the Dung Beetle in the novel serves as a reminder of the power of the individual to persist in the face of adversity and to create something new from the difficulties of life. It highlights the themes of resilience, perseverance, and transformation that pervade throughout the novel, and serves as a symbol for the strength and determination of the human spirit.


The last chapter of the novel is titled Guih Kyom. A word is a translation form of Dung Beetle. While giving ‘Guih Kyom’ word to ChatGPT, as per the above results, it seems that it has no clear answer. However while giving Dung Beteel a prompt, it has somewhere the near answer to the concern of the novel. Another very important concern that Roy brings here is that this creature works as Ecofriendly. Here we can see that, due to lack of availability, the chatbot could not be able to find the proper meaning. 

Play: Tughlaq by Girish Karnad

Prompt 1: 

Write a tabular formate of Characteristics of character Aziz and Azam in the play 'Tughalq' by Girish Karnad. 

Result 1





Impulsive and emotional

Arrogant and cruel


To seek revenge against Tughlaq

To maintain power and control


Close relationship with his brother

Has a strained relationship with his father and brother


To reclaim his rightful place in the kingdom

To expand his power and control over the kingdom

Character arc

Goes through a transformation from an impulsive and emotional young man to a wise and determined ruler

Remains unchanged in his arrogance and cruelty

Result 2





Timid, submissive

Arrogant, authoritarian


To be accepted by the court

To gain power and control


Loyal to the king

Betrays the king


Banished from the court

Becomes the new ruler

Note: The above table is based on the assumption that "Aziz" and "Azam" are characters in the play "Tughalq" by Girish Karnad.

Result 3




Role in Play

Prime Minister

Younger Brother of Aziz

Personality Traits

Arrogant, ambitious

Humble, sincere

Relationship with Tughlaq

Loyal at first, turns against him

Respects Tughlaq as king


Wants to be the ruler

Wants to live a peaceful life


Betrays Tughlaq, conspires against him

Remains loyal to Tughlaq


Punished by Tughlaq

Unharmed by Tughlaq


Aziz, a low-caste Muslim washerman, goes on donning mask after mask without any illusion of moral integrity, taking life as a theatre which, for him, is ruled by improvisation and irony. While Azam is opposite to him. There might be a miss taken by ChatGPT about ‘brother’. There is nothing about Aziz’s brother, but Tughlaq-the king who killed his brother. Result 3 is more appropriate to the play, but again it says that Azam is the younger brother of Aziz. They are very close friends during the whole play. In result-table one, it seems that ChatGPT swigged the answers, Aziz was loyal to the king but at some starting scenes of the play, later he becomes corrupt and wants to live like a king.


We can not assume that ChatGPT gives wrong answers, it might be possible because of the lack of availability and it is a very early stage also. To examine if ChatGPT gives the right answers or wrong answers, the observation does not stop here, we can explore the topic by giving the right answers to ChatGPT because again this Generative AI Chatbot learns from given answers as humans learn from it. So, AI is now part of learning and humans are part of AI’s learning as well. It is better to see how AI helps in the future in a more accurate way rather than accusing only its bad impacts. 


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OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT: What all it does, how it started and more. (2023, January 25). Times of India. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/gadgets-news/openai-the-company-behind-chatgpt-what-all-it-does-how-it-started-and-more/articleshow/97297027.cms

Roy, A. (2017). The Ministry of Utmost Happiness. Penguin Random House India Pvt. Ltd.

Tech giants pledge $1bn for 'altruistic AI' venture, OpenAI. (2015, December 12). BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-35082344

ChatGPT Worksheets on The Only Story by Julian Barnes

This Blogpost is the response to the thinking activity on the novel 'The Only Story' by Julian Barnes given by Professor Dr.Dilip Barad Sir.

We practiced studying the answers from ChatGPT in our classroom. The worksheet is given by sir. We were supposed to ask ChatGPT and also searched on E-Text and examine if ChatGPT gives the correct response related to the prompt or not. Several times it failed while the deep reading can be in the concern. In this novel, the deep philosophy of relationships can be read in several conversations, symbols, or even the characters themselves also talks. To Know more about this task CLICK HERE you can also fill up the worksheet and can do evaluate the responses. 

Every Worksheet is hyperlinked. You can access by CLIKE.

Worksheet 1: Using ChatGPT in analyzing 'The Only Story'

1. Write a Brief summary of Julian Barnes's "The Only Story"

"The Only Story" by Julian Barnes is a novel that explores the complexities of love, aging, and loss. The story is narrated by a man looking back on his youth, when he fell in love with an older woman and experienced a passionate, all-consuming relationship. As they grow older and face the realities of life, the relationship becomes strained, and the narrator is forced to come to terms with the difficulties of maintaining a love that once seemed perfect. Through his memories, the narrator grapples with the weight of time and the inevitability of death, and reflects on the choices he made in life and the memories he holds dear. Ultimately, "The Only Story" is a poignant meditation on the power of love and the nature of happiness and regret.

2. Discuss the main characters in the novel

"The Only Story" by Julian Barnes focuses on two main characters: the narrator and Susan Macleod.

Narrator: The narrator is an older man looking back on his life and reflecting on the choices he made and the events that shaped him. He is a relatable and introspective character who is haunted by memories of his past, especially his relationship with Susan. Throughout the novel, the narrator grapples with regret, loss, and the passage of time.

Susan Macleod: Susan is the older woman with whom the narrator falls in love. She is a complex character, who is at once confident, passionate, and vulnerable. She is described as beautiful and charming, with a sense of humor that endears her to the narrator. As the novel progresses, the reader comes to understand the complexities of Susan's life and the reasons for her actions.

Both the narrator and Susan are well-developed characters who are integral to the story's exploration of love, aging, and loss. Through their relationship, the novel raises questions about the nature of happiness, the power of memory, and the importance of living life to the fullest.

3. Overview of the major themes in "The Only Story"

"The Only Story" by Julian Barnes explores several major themes, including:

Love: The novel examines the nature of love, both the joys and the difficulties. Through the relationship between the narrator and Susan, the novel explores the passionate and all-consuming nature of young love, as well as the challenges of maintaining a relationship over time.

Aging and Loss: The novel also explores the themes of aging and loss, as the narrator reflects on the passage of time and the inevitability of death. The narrator grapples with the idea of losing those he loves and the memories he holds dear, and wonders if he made the most of his life.

Regret: Regret is a central theme in the novel, as the narrator reflects on the choices he made in life and the things he wishes he could have done differently. The narrator's regrets highlight the importance of living in the present and cherishing each moment, as well as the complexities of the human experience.

Memory and Reflection: The novel is framed as a reflection by the narrator on his past, and the themes of memory and reflection are central to the story. The narrator grapples with the power of memory, and how it shapes our perceptions of the past and present.

The Complexities of Life: The novel also explores the complexities of life and relationships, as the narrator and Susan navigate the ups and downs of their relationship. Through their experiences, the novel highlights the importance of embracing life's uncertainties and the power of resilience in the face of adversity.

These themes are woven throughout the novel, creating a poignant and introspective exploration of love, aging, and the human experience.

4. Explanation of symbolism in "The Only Story"

In "The Only Story" by Julian Barnes, symbols are used to add depth and nuance to the themes explored in the novel. The following are some of the symbols present in the text:

Staircase: The narrator has a recurring dream of a staircase, which represents the passage of time and the inevitability of death. The staircase symbolizes the climb towards the end of life, and the narrator's fear of what lies at the top.

Garden: The garden is a recurring image in the novel, and represents the narrator's memories and the passage of time. The garden is both beautiful and fragile, reminding the narrator of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of cherishing each moment.

Clubhouse: The clubhouse is a symbol of the world of the young and privileged, and represents the different paths that the narrator and Susan might have taken if their lives had taken a different turn. The clubhouse is both a source of nostalgia and regret for the narrator.

Letters: The letters exchanged between the narrator and Susan are symbols of their love and commitment to each other, despite the challenges they faced. The letters also represent the power of memory, and the narrator's desire to hold on to their relationship, even as time passes.

The use of symbols in "The Only Story" adds depth and nuance to the themes of love, aging, and loss. The symbols reinforce the narrator's reflections on his life and the choices he made, and highlight the complexities of the human experience.

5. Overview of the plot structure in "The Only Story"

"The Only Story" by Julian Barnes has a linear plot structure, with the narrator reflecting on events from his past. The novel is divided into two parts: "Then" and "Now".

"Then": This part of the novel focuses on the narrator's young adulthood and his relationship with Susan. It follows the narrator as he falls in love with Susan, and as their relationship develops and evolves over time. This section is characterized by the passion and intensity of the narrator's feelings for Susan, as well as the difficulties they face in maintaining their relationship.

"Now": This part of the novel takes place in the present day, as the narrator reflects on his life and the choices he made. He looks back on his relationship with Susan and wonders what could have been, and what he might have done differently. This section is characterized by the narrator's sense of regret, loss, and the passage of time.

The novel's linear structure allows the reader to experience the events of the narrator's life as he remembers them, and underscores the themes of aging, loss, and regret. The narrative structure also highlights the central role of memory and reflection in the narrator's life and underscores the complexities of the human experience.

1.Who is Uncle Humphrey? How/why is this minor character significance in the novel 'The Only Story' by Julian Barnes

Uncle Humphrey is a minor character in Julian Barnes's novel "The Only Story". He is the uncle of the protagonist of the story, Paul, and plays a small but significant role in the novel as a mentor and advisor to Paul. Uncle Humphrey provides a different perspective on life, love, and relationships to Paul and helps him understand and navigate the complexities of life and love. He is significant because he serves as a foil to the other characters in the novel and provides a counterpoint to the conventional wisdom that Paul encounters in his youth.

2.While applying Gerard Genet's tool of 'Duration' in narratology, how can we explain the narrative time and discourse time in Julian Barnes's 'The Only Story'?

Gerard Genette's concept of Duration is a useful tool for understanding the relationship between narrative time and discourse time in Julian Barnes' "The Only Story."

Narrative time in this novel can be described as the amount of time that elapses in the story world, as measured by the progression of events and the changes in the characters' lives. This time is objective and can be measured by clock time.

Discourse time, on the other hand, refers to the amount of time it takes for the story to be narrated or told. This time is subjective and dependent on the pace of the narrative and the number of events that are included or omitted. Discourse time can be shorter or longer than the narrative time, depending on the author's choices about how to present the events.

In "The Only Story," Barnes employs a variety of techniques to manipulate discourse time and create a sense of temporal disjunction. For example, the use of flashbacks and memories shortens the discourse time by condensing events from different periods of the protagonist's life into a single moment. On the other hand, the use of slow-paced and contemplative scenes can elongate discourse time and create a sense of stasis.

By examining the relationship between narrative time and discourse time through the lens of Duration, we can gain a deeper understanding of Barnes' choices as a writer and the effects that these choices have on the reader's experience of time in the novel.

3.Explain Discourse Time in the novel 'The Only Story' by Julian Barnes

In Julian Barnes' novel "The Only Story," the concept of Discourse Time refers to the subjective experience of time as perceived by the characters in the story. The narrative shifts between different perspectives and temporal frames, leading to a fragmented and non-linear representation of time. The characters' perception of time is shaped by their emotions and experiences, leading to a distorted understanding of the passage of time. This creates a sense of temporality that is fluid and shifting, emphasizing the subjective and unreliable nature of memory and perception.

4.Explain Narrative Time in the novel 'The Only Story' by Julian Barnes

In Julian Barnes' novel "The Only Story," the concept of Narrative Time refers to the chronological progression of events as they are presented in the story. The narrative moves through different time periods, following the protagonist's life from his teenage years to his old age. However, the presentation of events is not always linear, as the story shifts between different temporal frames and employs flashbacks and memories. Despite this, the events in the story are still arranged in a specific order, which defines the overall progression of the narrative. In this way, Narrative Time refers to the objective and organized progression of events in the story, as opposed to the subjective and fragmented experience of time as perceived by the characters.

1.In the novel The Only Story by Julian Barnes: What inferences can be drawn from this reference: "Why do you cheat at crosswords?
From this reference in "The Only Story" by Julian Barnes, we can infer the following:

Cheating at crosswords is a topic of conversation in the novel.
Someone has raised the question of why Joan cheats at crosswords.
Joan is aware that she cheats at crosswords and is not ashamed to talk about it.
Joan has a specific reason for cheating at crosswords, which she is willing to share.
Based on this reference, we can gather that cheating at crosswords is a minor theme in the novel and that Joan's reasons for cheating are related to her personal views on life and her experiences. However, without further context, it is difficult to make more specific inferences about the story and the characters involved.

- Give me in short sentences
The novel "The Only Story" by Julian Barnes mentions cheating at crosswords.
A question has been raised about why Joan cheats at crosswords.
Joan is aware of her cheating and is willing to talk about it.
Joan has a specific reason for cheating, related to her views on life.

2.What is the symbolic significance of 'crossword' in the novel "The Only Story"?
The symbolic significance of crosswords in the novel "The Only Story" by Julian Barnes is not explicitly stated in the text and would likely depend on the author's intended meaning and the context in which the crosswords appear in the story. However, crosswords could symbolize a number of things, such as:

Boredom: Crosswords may symbolize the boredom and lack of fulfillment that some characters in the novel experience in their daily lives.

Mental agility: Crosswords may symbolize the mental agility and intelligence of the characters and their ability to solve puzzles and problems.

A form of escapism: Crosswords may symbolize a form of escapism for the characters, a way to escape from the monotony of daily life and to challenge their minds in a different way.

Without further context, it is difficult to determine the exact symbolic significance of crosswords in the novel "The Only Story."

- write in detail with points
The symbolic significance of crosswords in the novel "The Only Story" by Julian Barnes could be interpreted in several ways, some of which include:

Boredom and Lack of Fulfillment: Crosswords may symbolize the boredom and lack of fulfillment that some of the characters in the novel experience in their daily lives. They may use crosswords as a way to pass the time and to keep their minds occupied.

Mental Agility: Crosswords may symbolize the mental agility and intelligence of the characters and their ability to solve puzzles and problems. They may use crosswords as a way to challenge their minds and to prove their intelligence to others.

A Form of Escapism: Crosswords may symbolize a form of escapism for the characters, a way to escape from the monotony of daily life and to challenge their minds in a different way. They may use crosswords as a way to temporarily forget about their problems and to focus on something else.

Deception: Crosswords may also symbolize deception and dishonesty, as Joan is depicted as cheating at crosswords. This may symbolize the character's willingness to deceive others and to act in an unethical manner.

Overall, the symbolic significance of crosswords in the novel "The Only Story" could depend on the author's intended meaning and the context in which the crosswords appear in the story. However, crosswords could symbolize a number of different things, including boredom, mental agility, escapism, and deception.

3.Describe the significance of this quote :"The point of the story is “safe and capable” in the context of the novel 'The Only Story' by Julian Barnes
"Safe and capable" is a significant phrase in the novel "The Only Story" by Julian Barnes, as it serves as a recurring motif and a central theme throughout the story. The phrase is used to describe the narrator, Paul, who is reflecting on his life and his past relationship with his first love, Susan. He uses the phrase to describe his former self as a young man, who was "safe and capable" in the sense that he felt secure and in control of his life.

However, as the story progresses, it becomes clear that Paul's sense of safety and capability is illusory, as he realizes that he has made a series of choices that have led him down a path of loneliness and regret. Despite his initial feeling of being "safe and capable," Paul is unable to navigate the complexities of love and relationships, and he finds himself struggling with the consequences of his choices.

In this sense, the phrase "safe and capable" takes on a different meaning, as it becomes a reminder of Paul's false sense of security and the limitations of his own capabilities. The phrase highlights the idea that life is not always predictable and that we are often at the mercy of events beyond our control, and it serves as a reminder that our perceptions of safety and capability are often illusionary and that the truth is often much more complicated and uncertain.

4. What is the situation when this phrase is appears in the novel : moviemaker’s bromide
The phrase "moviemaker's bromide" appears in the novel "The Only Story" by Julian Barnes.
When the narrator, Paul, is reflecting on his life and his past relationship with his first love, Susan. The phrase "moviemaker's bromide" is used to describe the idea that life is like a movie, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Paul uses this phrase to contrast his own life with the lives of characters in movies, who have clear arcs and well-defined story lines.

In the context of the novel, the "moviemaker's bromide" serves as a reminder of Paul's desire for his life to have meaning and purpose, and his disappointment that his own life has not followed the neat and tidy structure of a movie. The phrase also highlights the idea that we often try to impose a sense of structure and meaning onto our lives, even when the reality is much more messy and complex.

The appearance of the "moviemaker's bromide" in the novel serves to underscore Paul's growing realization that his life has not followed the script that he had imagined for himself, and that the choices he has made have led him down a path of loneliness and regret. Through the use of this phrase, Barnes invites the reader to consider the limitations of our attempts to impose order and structure onto our lives, and to question the narratives we construct for ourselves.

- give me in one sentence
The phrase "moviemaker's bromide" in "The Only Story" by Julian Barnes represents the narrator's disappointment that his life has not followed a clear and meaningful structure, like a movie, and highlights the idea that we often try to impose meaning onto our lives, despite the messiness and complexity of reality.

5. What does it signify within the context of the story? write in 50 words
The "moviemaker's bromide" in "The Only Story" symbolizes the narrator's longing for his life to have a clear narrative and meaning, but also highlights the reality that life is often messy and unpredictable, and does not follow the neat structure of a movie. This phrase represents the tension between the narrator's desire for structure and meaning, and the disappointment he feels about the reality of his own life.