Task 1 : Criticism: IAR : Practical Criticism

This Blog-post is the response of the task,on Reading selective poem and analyze from the reference of I.A.Richards's 'Practical Criticism' given by Prof.Dr.Dilip Barad Sir.To know more about this task, CLICK HERE.    

  • Introduction of this Task:

We studying about Ivor Armstrong Richards's  Essay, 'Practical Criticism' who is the pioneer of 'New Criticism'. The theory of 'Figurative Language' given by Richards. He also gave the misunderstandings of reading the poetry. Here is the poem which I selected as per my roll number. 

I ’M nobody! Who are you

I ’M nobody! Who are you?

Are you nobody, too?

Then there ’s a pair of us—don’t tell!

They ’d banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!

How public, like a frog

To tell your name the livelong day

To an admiring bog!

In the particular essay, I.A.Richards described an experiment conducted by him at Cambridge and elsewhere. In the experiment, undergraduate students of English were given a number of unfamiliar poems, whose authorship was not revealed, and were asked to read and to submit written comments upon them.(Click here to read the summary of this article)

Here, Our professor also gave us same activity to enhance our analytic sense. In this poem, Without any references of particular work, we might be turned into misunderstanding of the meaning. Obviously I also misunderstood this poem! But Richards gave the very perfect analysis that how we find the solution with uses of two languages, Emotive and Scientific language. 

The speaker start with very first line that he or she is 'Nobody' with Exclamation mark which quite surprised me, and the psychologically, there were many thoughts sudden came on in my mind. Perhaps the speaker tries to tell the identity. Then also the speaker told to the other who supposed as 'nobody' like him/her that id he/she is then do not tell to 'They'--here they is who?Society? or the rubbish people? 

In the second stanza, might be the explanation of 'Nobody'. As Barad sir said in our previous session that how many word you will need to find in dictionary, it's also notable things. I needed dictionary, to find several words. To match the appropriate meaning of word regarding the poem is also necessary. Here is the list of the word and also I mentioned that through which dictionary I used to take and also I do Hyperlink:
  • dreary: unattractive and having nothing of any interest, and therefore likely to make you sad: It was a gray, dreary day, with periods of rain.(Cambridge English Dictionary)
  • Bog :The word bog is an Indo-Iranian word signifying riches, abundance, and good fortune. (Folk Conception of Slavic Religion) and another meaning is a poorly drained usually acid area rich in accumulated plant material, frequently surrounding a body of open water (Merriam Webster)
In the second stanza, perhaps speaker personified the people like frog. If we looks up the second line, and we try to connect both lines with each other, then we know that, 'To tell your name the livelong day' that means here poet mentions the biologically process of frog. If one frog croaking, then another will also croaking and this process going on. Perhaps the people might be ordering to another people to telling his/her name? It might be not possible also. I also mingled two rhymes, frog and bog and I found the image.

But it's wrong! The other word Bog is also related to 'Slavic Religion'. Bog is connected to Slavic Religion. It is one of the from of a series of Belorussian songs a divine figure enters the homes of the peasants in four forms in order to bring them abundance.Source from Britannica. After come to know this meaning which related with the peasants, sudden I connecting the words, dreary, frog and Bog these words come are relating the season of Monsoon. So, stuck on with this Bog word is sudden come to in light. 

  • Conclusion:
Without any reference of the particular work, we don't find such a appropriate meaning or harsh meaning of the work. But Richards try to explain the misunderstandings of reading or self-study of the poem is also necessary to know the flow of understanding the work. The process of searching with technology is also very interesting and working speedily. 

Thinking Activity: The Setting of 20th Century Literature

This Blog-post is a response of thinking activity on 'The Setting of twentieth century literature' which is given by our Professor Dr. Dilip Barad Sir. To know more about this task, CLICK HERE.

  • Highlights on the settings of twentieth century Literature:

As Dilip Barad Sir always said that, whenever we studied literature and if we studied the reason behind the writing, we should have the historical sense to know more about the particular event. There is something events behind the writing.Here are some key points of the chapter:

  • Looked back to the Victorian Age
  • Scientific Revolution
  • Rule of the Expert or The Voice of Authority
  • Death of Artistic Craftsmanship
  • The revolt from Victorianism 
  • The Bloomsbury Group
  • The New Criticism 
  • Anti-Heroes
  • Economical Consequences 
  • Escapism 
  • Advertisements 

A.C.Ward mentioned in the book 'Twentieth Century Literature.' in very first chapter, we introduced about the setting of the twentieth century.Here are some highlights of the chapter: A.C.Ward said "In the first fifty years of the twentieth century the human race moved through a remarkable series of upheavals than during perhaps fifty generations in the past." The growing of the century's people were in physical and materialistic level. There was the mastery of, that how lived in with the material sources. According to Ward, he mentioned that one of the most important feature of the century is 'Scientific Revolution.' Progress and Regress were both main aspects of this revolution. Ward also gave an example of Aeroplane and Nuclear bomb. How we think to make such a huge invention which fly in the sky with many peoples and how it convert to the danger, for example America's attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki  during second world war. 

Ward mention to addressed the previous age, Victorian age with this statement, "Young men and young women during the twentieth century looked back upon the Victorian age as dull and hypocritical. Victorian ideals appeared mean and superficial and stupid" The people of the century looked back with the outlook of periodical change to the Victorian age and evaluate that how  the previous age was dull and hypocritical behaving. For example we can see Samuel Richardson's poem 'The Rape of the Lock.'

The control of authorities like, in religion the control by the authority of priest or pope, in politics the control  by the authority of particular political party or leaders and in the home, the control by the authority of the father. This authorities perhaps change from the Victorian era to Modern era.The rule of Expert which means in the century(modern century) if we have the question related to the science, we not asking to the expert of the science but we will ask to the Google direct because it will be very easier to ask and get answer due to we now habituated of the short period of time. Here Google ruling as an expert. And at the result we can see that the real artistic craftsmanship is coming to the end. Ward also give the example that"Andrew Undershaft declaration in Shaw's  Major Barbara: 'That is what is wrong with the world at present. It scraps its obsolete steam engines and dynamos; but it won't scrap its old prejudices and its old moralities and its old religions and its old political constitutions' The effect of this was invigorating to some; but others might have expressed their sensations in the words of Barbara herself, 'I stood on the rock I thought eternal; and without a word it reeled and crumbled under me'.  The people of the century tried to avoid its sense of stability, its striving for order, its consciousness of dignity which created for the multitude only a spiritual vacuum. Ward also gave several example of Hardy, Butler, who were raised their voice as anti-Victorians. Their path was'Art for life sake' life perhaps presents the community or the people of 19th. 

  • The Bloomsbury Group:

Blue plaque, 51 Gordon Square, London(from Wikipedia)
The group was associated with english philosopher, writers, intellectuals and artists of the first half of 20th century. As Ward wrote, "There is no need to distinguish between two groups of writers: the group that was already established in the first decade of the present century; and the group that had not so far begun to produce,but was shaping its ideas largely in conformity with a work which had no public impact, G E Moore's Principia Ethica (1903)."  They believed in the principle of 'Art of Art sake' which not shown in Victorians literature. Later on in the post-Bloomsbury Group, there was Roger Fry was pioneer of the group, also the member of the group was Virginia Woolf' sister, Vanessa Stephen and Duncan Grant who was the British Painter. The New Criticism based on the textual analysis. 

At the earlier pf 1929, the anti-war books were started to write down.Like C.E Montague’s Disenchantment (1922),Montague Fiery Particles (1923), Rough Justice (1926),Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front (1929) Death of a Hero  by Richard Aldington(1929). In those novel, the description they gave about darkness of the war, cruelty,political speeches like Hitler. The anti-war books were started to write, on the other side we found that the escapism from the real society.As E.M.Froster wrote, . We may retire to our towers because we are afraid….but there is another motive for retreat. Boredom: disgust: indignation against the herd, the community, and the world: the conviction that sometimes come to the solitary individual that his solitude gives him something finer and greater than he gets when we merges in the multitudes…. the community is a selfish and, to further its own efficiency, is a traitor to the side of human nature which expresses itself in solitude.

In twentieth century, we see that the invention of magazines, newspapers were growing up with how to advertise the event of a particular thing to convey their massage to the people. But Ward said that it how appear before 1939 were 'advertising agents' now became 'Incorporated Practitioners in Advertising.' This term was popularized by the writing of the American Left-wing economics Thorstein Veblen(1857-1929), author of The Theory of the Leisure Class(1899). He also mentioned that 'depth psychology' of viewers and makers. At the rest of the chapter, Ward presents the outfit of Victorian Age that how the age back from their real time. 

  • Science-Fiction Literature: 
According to Merriam Webster dictionary, Fantasy is 'something that is produced by the imagination : an idea about doing something that is far removed from normal reality' Time and again the science played very vital roll in  Fiction which means 'an invented story' and comping up with the century it mingled with science and we called it Science Fiction(Sci-Fi).

Cover page of the Novel 

Foundation:An Interplanetary is a scientific novel by American novelist Issac Asimov. It was first published in series form, later on Asimov collects all five short stories in one book. The five short stories merged in this novel are,"The Psychohistorians","The Encyclopedists","The Mayors", "The Traders" and "The Merchant Princes." was published in 1951. The whole story presents the fall of Roman Empire. The story has set in the future where the humans have colonized the Galaxy. Hari Seldon was the creator of Psychohistorians and the foundation. In this novel, Asimov was become the first writer who used atomic power(nuclear power) to revolutionized the society. Through the character of Seldon he raises the voice against the issues about traditional religion which as the controlling drug of the masses and the rise of science as the new faith for humankind. (The source from - Britannica) Here is the summary and explanation. 



Bridge Course: Thinking Activity on T.S. Eliot's Tradition and Individual Talent

This Blog-post is a response of thinking activity as a Bridge Course, on T.S. Eliot's Tradition and Individual Talent  given by Prof.Dr.Dilip Barad Sir. To know about more this task,CLICK HERE.

 "Tradition and the Individual Talent" an essay written by twentieth century poet, and very prominent essayist of modern century T.S.Eliot.  This essay essay was first published in 'The Egoist (1919)' was a London literary magazine and later it appeared in Eliot's first book of criticism, "The Sacred Wood" (1920).It was also published in Eliot's "Selected Prose" and "Selected Essays". To know about more, Click this quoted photo of T.S.Eliot and visit the website.  

An Essay decorated in three parts,  

  • The Concept of 'Tradition':
Here are some different definition of Tradition which make us think in more different ways.
According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, Tradition is an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (such as a religious practice or a social custom). 

According to Cambridge Dictionary,  Tradition is a belief, principle, or way of acting that people in a particular society or group have continued to follow for a long time, or all of these beliefs, etc. in a particular society or group.

According to Oxford learners Dictionary, Tradition is a belief, custom or way of doing something that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people; a set of these beliefs or customs. 

Que: 1. How would you like to explain Eliot's concept of Tradition? Do you agree with it?

The readers of this essay, might be suppose that tradition word used in negative connotation that it must followed by us because their superiority but Eliot's concept appear with another positive aspect, which is that particular culture is necessarily given by them and we just try to understand and picked the main idea not entirely concepts.Eliot makes clear about the use or the word 'Tradition' that he uses it as an adjective to explain the concept or the relation between a poem or work to the work of dead poets or artist. Eliot explained that one artist, who explore his work is not totally his, somewhere he inspired from his ancient thoughts or process of particular  work. Eliot quoted that, 

“No poet, no artist of any art, has his complete meaning alone. His significance, his appreciation is the appreciation of his relation to the dead poets and artists."

Further he mentioned that we must see the particular artist in contrast and comparison of dead artist which means the predecessors. Contrast and Comparison in the sense of, we can observe how the modern artist  developed the process of his predecessor in the term of contemporary way. He quoted in continue that, 

"You cannot value him alone; you must see him, for contrast and comparison, among the dead. I mean this as a principle of aesthetic, not merely historical criticism...What happens when a new work of art is created is something that happens simultaneously to all the works of art which preceded it."

I agree with the Idea of tradition by T.S. Eliot. He explained very smoothly that tradition helps us to why we write the literature rather than what we write. Because the modern thinkers are come with their new way of looking the literature or they might be try to explain in different way. There is the ancient thinkers or writers helps them to picked up the particular Idea.

  • Historical Sense: 

Que:2. What do you understand by Historical Sense? (Use these quotes to explain your understanding)

"The historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence; the historical sense compels a man to write not merely with his own generation in his bones."

Eliot describes that the work is not only baised on past or it presents the past only, but the mingling  of past and the present. 

"This historical sense, which is a sense of the timeless as well as of the temporal and of the timeless and of the temporal together, is what makes a writer traditional."

Eliot described by his quote about two main words that timeless and temporal. Which were readjust of the particular event or idea to explore in modern time. 

  • Theory of Impersonal Poetry:
“Honest Criticism and sensitive appreciation are directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry”

Eliot starts his second part of the essay with this argument. Here author's interpreted in criticism upon the poetry. 

Que.3: Explain: "Some can absorb knowledge, the more tardy must sweat for it. Shakespeare acquired more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole British Museum".
Here, Eliot mentioned that about the systematic writing in literature. Absorb knowledge which means perhaps, if we looked up to Shakespeare's biography that here is nothing we find about his education. He never gained degree or visit the University. Although he wrote incredible works. But he not wrote with the references of Plutarch (Greek Middle Platonist or philosopher.)
This Video is about 'Tradition and the Individual Talent' and 'The Great Tradition' by chronologically  T. S. Eliot nd F. R. Leavis.

Words: 866


Bridge Course: Thinking Activity on Wordsworth's Preface 'Lyrical Ballad'

This Blog-post is a response of thinking activity on Wordsworth's Preface as a Bridge Course, given by Prof.Dr.Dilip Barad Sir. To know about more this task,CLICK HERE

William Wordsworth(1770-1850) was the prominent figure and the senior poet of Romantic Literature. He and his friend S.T. Coledrige wrote 'Lyrical Ballads' in 1795 as anonymously. In 1802 second edition was published and Perhaps, Wordsworth wrote this time the preface- an essay  in more detailed to the readers of Lyrical Ballads. In this preface, he wrote about his poem's style and themes which he felt that is unique. 

  • Historical Background:

Wordsworth was prominent poet of Romantic Literature. Before his age of writing, there was Neo-Classical Age which followed the tendency of classicism and try to put in Modern era. Then, in Romanticism, poet such as Wordsworth,Shelly,Byron, Coleridge, Scott they were came with new ideology of express the emotions towards nature, pastoral life which we also found as major theme in Wordsworth' poetry, etc.  So Perhaps this changes leads the writer with new enthusiastic level of reading their work especially, poetry. We find main tow things between this two literary era that,

In Classicism: Intellect is the guiding Force
In Romanticism: Imagination is the guiding Source. 

The another thing is that about French Revolution. The timeline was 1789 to 1799. This revolutionary movement came up with new ideas for human life and their emotions. In shot, that was the movement of searching individuality, spirit of nature in terms of livelihood in nature. The Idea leads posts like Wordsworth, with enthusiasm in nature and rustic life. The poets were inspired as such equality, liberty etc.

To know about more in detailed, Click this table given here and visit the website which provides free sources to students. 

Here are my questions which given in the  Worksheet of this Bridge Course.

Que:1.What according to Wordsworth should be the theme of Poetry?
In an Essay of the preface to Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth also try to explain that what should be the particular theme of the poetry. In his poetry, we found as major theme is 'Nature' not only natural elements but also about the nature of human life with emotions, rustic people's life and their reality. His kindly aim was to choose the theme likewise,  nature of rustic life and the character of rustic people because he believed that they were very closed to nature. Along with this theme he wrote poems on Morality, Memory, Religion, Humanity,Transcendence and Connectivity, Mortality. 

Que:2.Write note on Wordsworth’s view on the subject matter of poetry

As Wordsworth said in Preface, 
“It is the honourable characteristic of poetry that its materials are to be found in every subject which can interest the human mind.”

He mentioned, that whatever subject was it will be a martial  of poetry, it's depends on poet about it's shaping as poetic or unpoetic. With rhythm and voice of true human services towards their life. Which means he mentioned that subject which can interest the human mind.Here, perhaps the subject was human mind and nature. He also believed that what his characters were did in his poetry was realistic that means presents the realistic feelings of emotions within us. 

Que:3 "A Poet has a greater knowledge of human nature, and a more comprehensive soul, than one supposed to be common among mankind." Explain with reference to your reading of Wordsworth’s views in Preface to the Lyrical Ballads.

According to Wordsworth, poet has the capability regarding a the knowledge of human nature. Poet has the feeling about that how to know the human nature and how to described it in his poetry. Second thing is about that poet is more comprehensive soul that means poet has widely sense of knowing about what going on in his around. Here soul means poet's inner voice of speaking in his ink and who rejoices his writing.

Bridge Course, Thinking Activity Dryden's Essay on Dramatic Poesy

This Blog-post is a response of thinking activity on Dryden's Essay on 'Dramatic Poesy' as a  Bridge Course, given by Prof.Dr.Dilip Barad Sir. To know about more this task,CLICK HERE.

  • 'Dramatick Poesie' by John Dryden

This easy written by John Dryden who was the prominent figure of during Restoration Era, widely known as literary critic,Satirist, or playwright also. He was also appointed England's first Poet Laurent. He write an Easy on Dramatick Poesie  ending of 1667 or early in 1668. Probably, it was the time when plague increased and he wrote this easy, lived in his country Wiltshire. Dramatick Poese is an easy which leads the literary criticism through four characters, which are,

Cliked this photo to know about more on this Essay:

Perhaps, An easy covered up main three points of debate between these four characters, which are,

1. Their arguments upon Ancient and Modern Plays.

2.Superiority of the French Drama over English Drama.

3.Advocacy of writing plays in Rhymed Verse.

  • Dryden defines definition of the play, if we divided into three parts that, 

1. Just and lively image of human nature, representing it's passions and humours. 

2. The change of fortune to which it is subject.

3. The delight and instruction of mankind.

While Aristotle said that," Tragedy is an imitation [mimēsis] of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude…through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation [catharsis] of these emotions."

Here are my answers of the questions given by Barad Sir in Bridge Course:

1) Do you any difference between Aristotle's definition of Tragedy and Dryden's definition of Play? 

Aristotle said that tragedy is only the imitation or copy of particular action  which is serious, while Dryden said that the plot is lively of human nature that means there is nothing to copy from human nature but it is humorous. At the end of both's definition, Dryden's definition ends with delight and instruction of Mankind while Aristotle's definition ends with therapeutic word 'Catharsis.' As our professor, Dr. Dilip Barad said that "History made by some new innovative ideas, which not followed ancient idea." Here, Dryden's definition not followed what Aristotle said, yes he just agree with him but he also puts his own logic toward the literature or the structure of plot etc. 

2) If you are supposed to give your personal predilection, would you be on the side of the Ancient or the Modern? Please give reasons.

In any literature, time plays very important role, that means contemporary time when writer write a particular literature. Dryden come with Restoration period. In the particular period, we can see, that Restoration people enjoyed and make themselves Rejoiced. Perhaps Dryden put contemporary things. We not toughrouly go with Modern or Ancient side. Because of Ancient perspectives, we not able to see in more, what is in our contemporary time. We have to such a things that make us to do think in particular Idea. We have a main source to broad our thinking towards particular topic. 

3) Do you think that the arguments presented in favour of the French plays and against English plays are appropriate? (Say for example, Death should not be performed as it is neither 'just' not 'liely' image, displaying duel fight with blunted swords, thousands of soldiers marching represented as five on stage, mingling of mirth and serious, multiple plots etc.)

In Dryden's Essay, Lisideius who was representative of Sir Charles Sedley . He  was favored of French Plays. In French Plot, their tragedies were presented of Ancient Sources. While also had the Ancient Source but their performance in the story was not realistic or likeness. French Plays  were more realistic and gave likeness to reality. Their plots were not full of actions, but with qualitative actions. While English plots had many actions and scenes which perhaps presents more dramatic actions. For their lead characters they gave more importance to particular character because their main aim to presents the particular theme of the play throughout only the lead character. They did not prefer to presents it through other characters also. While in French play writers gave the chance to every character  to presents the particular thematic concept of the play. The main thing is that, English play were mostly represents some horror or bloodshed scenes which were not acceptable to see to the audience. While French Play avoid these scenes for comfortable the audience.  Here I put the video about A Debate on the Comparative Merits of French plays and English plays.

Thank You.


Bridge Course Thinking Activity on Aristotle's Poetics

This Blog-post is a response of thinking activity on Aristotle's Poetics under as  Bridge Course, given by Prof.Dr.Dilip Barad Sir. To know about more this task,CLICK HERE.

To Know about Aristotle, click the photo, bellow. 

  • Aristotle's Poetics:

According to  Gérard Genette in his Essays, 'In Aesthetics' - in volume 4, he mentioned that, "Poetics is the theory of literary forms and literary discourse." Aristotle's work 'Poetics' described broadly about the literary theory. Includes, Tragedy, Epic Poems, Poetry, Poetry v/s History, Catharsis  also he divided the art poetry into the verse of drama, comedy etc. In Aristotle's Poetics, he defence the Theory of Mimes, which is a critical and philosophical term that carries a wide range of meanings, like 'Imitation'(Gebauer and Wulf 1992) Aristotle defence his teacher Plato's objections on poetry or poets. 

List of the Chapters of Aristotle’s Poetics by Prof. Dr. Dilip Barad Sir.(Click this Title to read)




Criticism and Creativity

(the difference between criticism and creativity)


Plato’s Objection to Poetry

(He objected to poetry and his Theory of Mimesis)


Aristotle: Introduction

(His reply to Plato’s Objection and he differ in his Theory of Mimesis from his Guru  Plato)


Aristotle’s Definition of Tragedy

(Aristotle distinguish among various fine arts and His definition of Tragedy)


Aristotle’s theory of Catharsis

(Various interpretations given to the meaning of Catharsis and How far Catharsis is relevant today.)


Aristotle’s Six parts of Tragedy

(The characteristics of tragic hero and What does he mean by Hamartia)


Aristotle’s views on Epic

(According to Aristotle, Epic better than tragedy? And How does he distinguish Epic and Tragedy?)


  • Criticism and Creativity:

There is very minor difference between literary criticism and literary theory. Like we can not find what exact result of between Egg and Hen. As Thomas De Quincey said that, "Criticism may be termed as the literature of Knowledge and Creative writing as the literature of Power.

Plato's Objection to Poetry:

  • His Objection on Poetry, from his Education point of view : poetry does not cultivate good habits among children.
  • His Objection from Philosophical point of view:Philosophy is better than poetry, because philosophy deals with realistic or factual idea or truth with Intellectual concern. 
  • His  Objection form the Moral point of view:Men's emotional,Sentimental and Sorrowful impulses.  

  • Aristotle's theory of 'Mimesis':
In Plato's theory, he said that all art is mimetic by nature; and art is an imitation of life. Mimesis is a Greek word which simply define as Imitation. Also included several meanings like representation, mimicry, non-sensuous similarity etc.(Gebauer and Wulf 1992). Plato also gave one example of Chair, that it first came in Carpenter's mind and after making, painter saw it and then he will draw, he imitate carpenter's chair. Thus, painter's chair twice removed from reality. So that he prefer to choose philosophy because it direct connect with Reality. Although Aristotle not agreed with his point and he objected his Guru's point.

  •  Aristotle Definition on Tragedy: 
He defines, "Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in the language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action, not of narrative; through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation-catharsis of these and similar emotions."

Catharsis is the tragic flaw which the viewer or reader might be know that what happened in next with the tragic hero. For example the viewer know that the particular movie is tragic or might be crying for you, however the viewer absolutely go to watch the movie and the end will be exactly which the viewer expected. Aristotle said it perhaps a Purgation. In Greek it means Purification. Aristotle calls it "the tragic pleasure" which is Paradox. Aristotle said that "Catharsis is not a technical reference to purgation or purification but a beautiful metaphor for the peculiar tragic pleasure, the feeling of being washed or cleansed."

  • Six Part of Tragedy:
Greek Words and English Words













  • Epic and Tragedy:

Differences between Epic and Tragedy according to Aristotle,


Epic Poetry



Epic is vast in its magnitude. Action is not limited in epic.

Tragedy endeavors, as far as possible, to confine itself


Confined only to one meter.

Epics have hexameter

Variety of meters.

Tragedy can have iambic pentameter, trochaic, tetrameter etc.


Subject Meter

Related with an action concerning the fortunes or destiny of people or nation, and thereby it presents the life of an entire period.

The emphasis is on an individual, his idiosyncrasies and behavior.

Marvelous and irrational

Absurdity passes unnoticed.

Probability and necessity in tragedy


Epic’s plot is more episodic than tragedy.

Epic and tragedy may have similarity in its complexity.

  Aristotle defines the new way of philosophy regarding to the literature about poetry or gave the pleasure and delight in poetry with loggically arguments and disagreements of Plato's statements.    

Here are my answers to the questions, given by our Professor.

Que.no.1. How far do you agree with Plato’s objection to freedom of expression and artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writers? Name the texts (novels, plays, poems, movies, TV soaps etc which can be rightfully objected and banned with reference to Plato’s objections) 

Masaan (also known as Fly Away Solo in English) was released in 2015, directed by Neeraj Ghaywan and Screen played by Varun Grover. The story leads main two stories. The film starting with first story abot Devi Pathak who struggled with Blackmailing due to she had  “sex scandal” brings shame on Devi and her father also the scandal was recorded by police-man and he blackmailed them till the end of the film. Movie smoothly gone to love-story between Deepak and Shaalu both were come from different casts. The tension between these both story leads two concepts, about Individualism of sexuality and other one about the love matter in human beings not in casts, struggle in society, how lower class people faced the society to secured their reputation. Four lives, were struggling between romance and tragedy. Varun Grover, showed his artistic liberty. Writer should have liberty to presents what's going on in the society. The only thing which gave us the mirror reflation of society. This film breaks Plato's Objections in a very right way. Here I put full Movie. 

Que.no.2. Have you studied any tragedies during B.A. programme? Who was/were the tragic protagonist/s in those tragedies? What was their ‘Hamartia’?

  • All My Sons:
 " All My Sons " written by Arthur Miller. In this play, Joe Killer who loses his two sons because of his own mistakes and greed. The Tragic Protagonist of the play was Joe Killer. Joe Killer's Hamartia is that his sons suicide because he killed many pilots and his son also killed. Later on it declare through his Eldest son Larry's Letter that he committed suicide due to his father's wrong step. 

  • Othello(The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice):
'Othello' is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. Othello was the tragic protagonist of the play. He suffered from Hamartia due to his jealous nature towards his wife and at the result he killed her. After her death he realized that she was innocent and he felt guilty.  

Que.3. Did the ‘Plot’ of those tragedies follow necessary rules and regulations proposed by Aristotle? (Like chain of cause and effect, principle of probability and necessity, harmonious arrangement of incidents, complete, certain magnitude, unity of action etc)
In this play, the incident of Plan crash, perhaps lead the cause and the effect was the tree which planted in Larry's honor has blown down during the month of his birth in storm. It lead in reader's mind that something will happen with Larry. While in Othello, Shakespeare breaks the unity of time because in Othello we can see that there is more then the day which Aristotle put the Unity of time and Action. In All My Son, Miller kindly follows the unity of action that the particular action opens in the morning and ends in the early hours on the morning of the next day.(Encyclopedia)

Thank You.
