Thinking Activity: Bob Dylan and Robert Frost

This Blog-post is a response of thinking activity on Bob Dylan and Robert Frost,given by our professor Vaidehi Hariyani Ma'am. To know more about this task, CLICK HERE.

  • About Bob Dylan:

Robert Allen Zimmerman is an  American singer-songwriter, author and visual artist. Also known as the greatest songwriter. Famously, he first wrote folk songs then moved to rock songs in 1960s. He sold ten millions of albums, more then 500 songs were recorded by more than 2,000 artists, in all over world.He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016, "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition". To know more about Bob Dylan, Click the picture of him given above.

  • About Robert Frost:

Robert Lee Frost (March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963) was an American poet. He wrote about rural setting of England and using complex social and philosophical themes. He won Pulitzer prize for peotry and six time awarded for Gammy Awards. To know more about the poet, click the picture. 

  • Similarities Between two poets in Poetry. 


Simplicities in lyrics

Simplicity can be understand to anyone

Musical Quality

  • Themes in poems:

Bob Dylan

Robert Frost


Everyday Life


Human contact with the natural world


Human Love




Life’s Struggles






Rural Life

  • Question's Answers given in task:

  • Here are my interpretations of questions.  

1.)Write down the message you want to give from your lyrics.

In this my YouTube video, I choose one 19th Bollywood song, sung by Kishor Kumar and lyrics by Anand Bakshi from the movie Aap Ki Kasam starring by Rajesh Khanna. If we go through the entire original song, the lyrics somewhere connected with memories, and especially the particular moment which never come again. If the particular moment goes one time, it will be only memories, it never come again.The use of flower generally we might be use in some flourish way to show some good feelings, but while Autumn comes, they will dead and they will never born if the Spring will come. Ultimately, the poet interpreted about to live the life and each moment with happiness and keep making memories because they are not mortal. The lyrics are,

ज़िन्दगी के सफ़र में गुज़र जाते हैं जो मकाम

ज़िन्दगी के सफ़र में गुज़र जाते हैं जो मकाम

वो फिर नहीं आते, वो फिर नहीं आते

ज़िन्दगी के सफ़र में...

फूल खिलते हैं, लोग मिलते हैं

फूल खिलते हैं, लोग मिलते हैं मगर

पतझड़ में जो फूल मुरझा जाते हैं

वो बहारों के आने से खिलते नहीं

कुछ लोग एक रोज़ जो बिछड़ जाते हैं

वो हजारों के आने से मिलते नहीं

उम्र भर चाहे कोई पुकारा करे उनका नाम

वो फिर नहीं आते...

आँख धोखा है, क्या भरोसा है

आँख धोखा है, क्या भरोसा है सुनो

दोस्तों शक दोस्ती का दुश्मन है

अपने दिल में इसे घर बनाने न दो

कल तड़पना पड़े याद में जिनकी

रोक लो रूठ कर उनको जाने न दो

बाद में प्यार के चाहे भेजो हजारों सलाम

वो फिर नहीं आते...

सुबहो आती है, रात जाती है

सुबहो आती है, रात जाती है यूँ ही

वक़्त चलता ही रहता है रुकता नहीं

एक पल में ये आगे निकल जाता है

आदमी ठीक से देख पाता नहीं

और परदे पे मंज़र बदल जाता है

एक बार चले जाते हैं जो दिन-रात, सुबहो-शाम

वो फिर नहीं आते...   

2.) Which Poem/Song of Bob Dylan/Robert Frost is relatable with your Video. Why?

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature’s first green is gold,

Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaf’s a flower;

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay.

~Robert Frost

This short poem by Robert Frost has larger meaning of life. The poem has deep meaning about the circle of life and death. The references which given here are come from nature. Like First Green means perhaps Spring. Which come up with some never ending things. The good thing which we might be accept as the richest thing of our emotions or we can say of our life but they will be definitely not come with us, it might be dead or vanished. In my video I shoot the group of senior citizens who were sat and kindly observe the nature because now they are retired from their career and again they try to spend their time with nature because it also one time will dead. So nothing which perhaps the gold or silver can not stay. 

Thank You.    

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